Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Scotland Teen Missions 1980

egad, I just aged myself! Here ya go Matthew, which one are you???

And for those of you who visit, and are saying, "what the...huh?" I went on a summer mission back in 1980 to Scotland, and am attempting to visit with some of them I was 18, I'm in the front row standing first on the right with long dark hair parted in the middle wearing a jumpsuit. Egad, I guess my nice clothes must've been dirty! It was an amazing summer, I learned so much and totally fell in love with Scotland.


Robert said...

Scotland is at the very top of my list of European places to visit and possibly live. One of the perks my wife and I like about both of us being RN's is the fact that most hospitals in Scotland would just about roll out the red carpet for us if we wanted to move there...

Nursapalooza said...

Really??? I didn't know that! I loved glasgow and edinburgh. It's very rainy but green! I was there for almost 3 months in Ayrshire. I would like to live in France for a few years myself.

Robert said...

Yep, especially pediatric critical care nurses, like my wife, and like I hope to be in about 2 years...

Matthew Trill said...

Thanks for the photo! I'll have to find my copy. I'm in the back row just over your left shoulder (face is partly blocked and I'm wearing a cap). I was scanning some slides to digital and wondered how hard it would be to find a former team member on the internet. A Google hit turned up your search for Deb Pugh on a nursing site which led me to your blog. I have a few other leads for team members that I'll share if they are correct. I blogged about it at

Order & Chaos said...

All the time I've lived in Europe I never made it to Scotland, but would've loved to have gone!

Anonymous said...

Love the picture.. the jumpsuit is not that bad lol... My husband and I were stationed in England for 3 years in the early 90's and we went to Scotland. I LOVE it there and they really like Americans!! Did you have baked beans with breakfast every morning?? lol...

Laurel Ann said...

I loved, loved, LOVED Scotland! Mmmmn...Men in ki-i-lts! :)

Nursapalooza said...

If only men would wear kilts more often dang it. And not the rock and roll variety. Nice to see so many Scotland lovers. I will go back one day...soon as these kids fly.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie in your jumpsuit! I'd love to go to Scotland someday. Been to Ireland, England, and Wales. I have a friend who has been living in Scotland for awhile now on a missions trip. She's at a church in Kilmarnock. :0

Anonymous said...

It's quite an honor to appear on nursapalooza.

Nursapalooza said...

aaaaaaaaaand who is TG???? And of course, you are right! hee hee