Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So I've been in an ACLS class this week. Aaaaaaaaaand, as much as I've been dreading it, it has been an excellent class. For those of you in nursing, I totally encourage you to look into this certification. If for nothing else, it will absolutely help you with cardiac in nsg. school. Maybe you aren't like me, and you fairly whizzzzzzz through cardiac, then well, it should help you get a job.
This is one of the forms that we memorize. I hope I do okay.

Anyhoo, tomorrow is the testing, which seems really tough, but we'll see. Send up good wishes, prayers


Anonymous said...

Good luck!!! I have not been able to take the ACLS yet for various reasons but I have heard it is hard!! Let us know how you do!!

Robert said...

The hospital and unit I want to work in both require PALS, so I'm looking forward to that class.

Order & Chaos said...

You go girl! I hope to get ACLS cert soon! Probably after I graduate. Who knows! Good luck!

L&D said...

Oh the algorithms. Good times.