So I'm taking my second chance at the sterile field competency and touch a paper not sterile without catching it, and i'm failed! Last time (the first) i slipped a few times before the instructor called it. But this particular instructor is trying to get rid of me, and now she has the perfect opportunity. I know i sound a little paranoid, but believe me, after i failed i had quite a few tell me, they were expecting it, because of her. So if i don't pass that damn comp next wk, i fail the class. Sooooo i can w/draw before, and get a W or try again w/a pass or fail or go on or w/draw, but i have to try again before the drop date on Tues. I'm prob babbling, but i have to see what my options are. I have been sucking up a major crying fit, cuz i just don't want to fall apart again. Please forgive me those who have called, i need to pull it together a little before i call you back. So that's the crap for now. Not sure which way is up right now. Will blog later.
(P.S. Make sure you read the words under the photo carefully or you'll miss it!)