Tuesday, January 26, 2010

my ducks are lined up...

Well, I passed my second test yesterday that I needed to pass for Hoag...surprisingly! Dang it was a hard Pharm test. You could miss 12 questions to pass, and I missed 11, *blush* close, wasn't I?? So, I have completed the tests, took my drug screen test, and other health tests yesterday. I'm assuming I've passed all. So, I do believe they're stuck with me. Now I have to find somewhere to get a flu shot, or I have to wear a mask when caring for my bloody patients! Egad. I'll get the H1N1 tomorrow, even though I swear, I had that flu! So I have a bunch of last minute errands to get done before I start work on Monday. It will be orientation classes all next week, and start my preceptoring the following week. I am excited, and also scared *%^%$*less. Ah well, me of little faith. I'm working on it.

That's it for now, other than my 18 y.o. getting her drivers licence. And still worrying when she drives off. Though I know she's being careful, she is also easily distracted. Such a strange year this is going to be. Me, working full time for the first time in a hundred years (though nursing school totally had the same or more hours!), my daughter graduating high school, and starting college, and my baby in high school. Yup, strange year.


Anonymous said...

I know you are nervous but you will do great!!!!! That is the one thing about being a new grad is they expect you to ask a lot of questions and need a lot of help.. heck I have been a nurse for 13yrs and I still ask a lot of questions!! They would rather you ask a dozen then be over confident and mess up....

As for the 18yr old I soooo understand. Our oldest just started driving this past May and I still worry when he takes off and until he gets home. Wonder if this will end anytime soon?? He is almost 19!

hope2brn said...

Congrat!!!! WOOhooo... I have been here in a while I have missed so much...So happy for you!! good luck you are gonna love it...

LivingDeadNurse said...

good luck!!