Tuesday, January 26, 2010
my ducks are lined up...
That's it for now, other than my 18 y.o. getting her drivers licence. And still worrying when she drives off. Though I know she's being careful, she is also easily distracted. Such a strange year this is going to be. Me, working full time for the first time in a hundred years (though nursing school totally had the same or more hours!), my daughter graduating high school, and starting college, and my baby in high school. Yup, strange year.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
always the sloooooow way through...
Okay, I definitely think I should start a Dear Abby kind of column for nurses/students like myself. I swear, I always have to go the loooooooooooooong, sloooooooooooooow way around to get anywhere I'm going. And yes, I am able to totally laugh at myself....when my stomach stops cramping with stress. I do believe God is wanting to get my attention, slow me down, and make sure I'm relying on Him, and not myself. So the first time I took the EKG test, I failed one of the critical arrhythmia's. Only one. BUT....that being said, you could fail if you didn't recognize ANY of the 7 critical rhythms. Well, they are called critical because...well...well, okay, they are deadly, and if your patient had one of these, well, they could be a minute away from death. So yeah, it is RATHER important. Now I do know how important this is, it's not just a theory in a class, these are actual patients I will be taking care of so I do agree with this policy. But these EKG's on the test are REAL EKG's not text book, so I missed it. I retook it yesterday, and passed it. WHEW! I still have one more test to take, Pharm, on Monday, then I am set.
I also got a call from the other hospital that I had an interview with, that I got a second interview for the ICU job I wanted. Only 4 people from 200 were chosen to have this second interview, and 2 will get it. Yeah, the odds were pretty good. Huh. Eight months without job offers, and now, two at one time. Of course this has totally stressed me out because I have wanted an ICU job, and it's an excellent new grad program. However, I am choosing the first hospital because I LOVE the nurses there, and I LOVE patients with neuro issues, especially older folks, and I think that I will learn sooo much from these women. (there may be some guy nurses there too, but I haven't met any yet) I cannot wait to start back in patient care, I miss them! This unit is a small one, and I totally love that. What a great way to start a new career, I can't wait.
And it only took.....EIGHT bloody months! heeheee.
I have totally loved all of this torrential down pour in S CA here. The only problem is that I've had a head cold from hell, and haven't gotten to the gym in a week, and my back is sooo achy from all the inactivity. I am gonna try to go today, sick or not.
Have a lovely weekend, I hope things are blue skies and sunshine on this Saturday for you.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
In other news, I have a nasty, horrible, terrible, no good, very bad head cold. Yes, I am whining! And my dear daughter is taking her driving test tomorrow. She is very nervous, but I think she'll do okay. I wonder if they'll test her on the 3pt turn. We forgot to teach her that one. She's 18 so she won't have to go through the graduated (?) drivers licence. We put it off as long as we could folks. I think it was a good move, and she has never been in a big rush to get it anyway. My boy continues to grow like a weed, and is putting food away like there's no tomorrow.
How are you, fill me in!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
WHOOO HOOOO!!! YAY! After just a very short 6 months, I got a call for a job offer today, and I am so derned happy I could spit!!! Not for the job I interviewed for yesterday, but the one I interviewed for a few weeks ago. The one that looked sooo promising, but didn't get. Well happily they got another opening and thought of me! These are the two women that interviewed me, where I had just too much fun. That is HIGHLY unusual for an interview, and I will need to be careful not to be toooo relaxed with them. I will be working at Hoag Hospital in the Stroke Unit. I will be starting Feb. 1st. I am a little nervous though since I have to take an EKG/Pharm test before I'm official in that department. I will sign some forms tomorrow. I am sooo happy.
P.S. I had a lovely bday, when we weren't battling our now 18 yr old. She went off and got a tattoo, KNOWING how we felt, and the consequences that would follow! So sad. That's all I can say. Parenting teens....not for the weak hearted.