Thursday, February 19, 2009

drum roll pleeeeeeeeease

I passed! Yay! Not only did I pass, but was told that I got 100%, whooo hoooo! I am much relieved, or as I told my CI, I did goooder, or more gooder, or is it gooderest?Yeah I think that's it. I did well on the quiz as well. Ten wks to go. Not that I'm counting or anything.


Katie said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations! Believe it or not I have actually been thinking and worrying for a couple days! I'm so relieved for you!!

Tiffany said...

Congrats!! You are getting so close!!

Anonymous said...

Yahooooooooo! GOOD JOB! :)

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!! Congratulations!!!

Order & Chaos said...

Consider this a pat on the back, all the way fromm Virginia!

Prisca: said...

CONGRATS!!!! Wow, only those of us who have done the nursing school thing could ever understand what an accomplishment that is!! Now go CELEBRATE!!

Laurel Ann said...

I am sooooo proud of you!!!!!

Azmomo2andcounting said...

Way to go 100% thats awesome!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Heather,we missed you last night. Feel better soon and of course keep up the GOOD work!!! Cheri

Candice Carpenter said...

yaaaaaayyyy! Go Heather!!!