Saturday, September 29, 2012

Turning an old book into a Nook holder

1. Get yourself an old book that will fit your Nook.

2. Use an exacto knife to remove all pages.  I have to say, I felt like crying, defacing an old book like that!

3. Cut out craft foam to fit the front and back inside covers.
4. Supplies:  I needed some of that Gorilla Glue but Joanne's didn't have it so I bought some glue 6000 that causes cancer, which toxic odor never went away, so I threw that part away and used what I had here, plus a glue gun not pictured.  So, I used tacky glue, Lineco ph neutral glue, black elastic and a glue gun.  Oh, and I used some scrapbook paper to make it a little pertier inside.
5. Remember how ugly the crack was after removing the book?  So I used the lineco to glue down some pretty paper.  This stuff dries SUPER fast, it was great.  About 2 minutes.

  I put a heavy curved book in the center because the middle was curved, to help it dry in the right place.  This photo is actually when I put books on for other gluing.  But you get the idea.

6. On the right craft foam, glue on a piece of wood that will keep the nook in place.  

7. Tacky glue some cardboard to the back of that same piece, place heavy book to make flat, I went out to dinner, and when I got back it was dry.  I then hot glued the black elastic pieces on the top to hold Nook in place.  I then tacky glued and hot glued that piece into the book.

8. I then glued the left piece of craft foam onto book with tacky glue, and then covered the foam (on the left piece only) with the perty paper using the Lineco.  Again, placed heavy books on it to help everything dry flat beautifully.  

9. Finished.  This is what the inside looks like complete!

with the Nook in place.

How it looks on the outside.  

So that's it.  I made it in one day.  The only thing I may add later is a few side sticks (next to the Nook), and some antique buttons with an elastic to keep it closed.  Isn't it so cute??!!  I think so too!  Please leave your comments with any ideas.  Thanks.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring has sprung...

Though the weather has been totally schizoid, it is now officially Spring. I personally LOVE the rain and cloudy days with it's coolness, but my hubs whines about it often. What I love most about this season is the longer hours of sunlight. By the time I get home from work each day, I still get a few hours of light, yay! (and, this is not a view from my kitchen window, just a view I'd love to have from my kitchen window)

Let's see, it's been quite a while, so I guess I should back up a bit and fill in the blanks of what's been going on in my little corner of the world. The dtr is now 20, and enjoying college. Well she enjoys the social aspect, and ceramics anyway. She has taken to the wheel, which she absolutely loves. She is also heading off to Haiti again this summer to work in the orphanage. She was there last summer, but for only 9 days, which really wasn't long enough for her. This summer she'll go for approx. 6 wks. Yes, that is 5 wks too long in my book, but I'm the mom, what do you expect? I'm totally proud of her, she has such a heart for God, and for His kids. She is also working her dream job now being a Barista!
The boy is busy being 17 now. He is in an advanced AP Art class that has really challenged him outside of his particular interest. Here is one of my faves, a self portrait:
He has a great sense of humor, and this catches that. He's a junior this year, and it's been tough, but I know he'll make it through. He's got some great friends that he gets together with to play some xbox shooting bad guy kind of game. You can see how in tune I am. He will be getting his pig and sheep within the next 2 wks, so we are looking forward to that, it is great fun.
The hubs is still riding competitively and doing great. Month by month he seems to be climbing up towards the front. I am very proud of him.

Me; lets see. I've been working as a hospice nurse for nearing 1 1/2 yrs now. I would definitely say that the honeymoon is over. It is definitely harder then it was at first. I still love what I do, and wouldn't change for the world but there are days when I come home sit in a chair, and not move for 6 hrs. It is really more of an emotional exhaust than physical. I am really trying to learn how to build better boundaries, so I don't empty myself quite so much. It is an amazing job though, and I feel so privileged to be able to share Christ with those who ask to hear. A wk ago, I had such an honor. Before he died, he finally had peace show in his face and heart. He actually looked up and thanked me. This doesn't happen often from the pt's themselves.
I've started dieting too (Jenny Craig), since I put on 10 extra lbs in my first year working. I had blood work done previous to diet, and was told I was pre-diabetic, my cholesterol and fats were way too high. Once I got over my depression with that I started Jenny. It is going well, slow but steady. I've also started to do more exercise at home since I just wasn't getting myself to the gym like I should. I'm doing DanceCentral 2 for cardio on the Fitness, and want to start doing some of the BEGINNER yoga for strength training and stress reduction. I've lost 14 lbs so far, but the best part is that my clothes are loose, whooohooo! My new love is paper cutting, but I'm a total newbie to it. It is sooo fun. Here are my 2 tries so far. I want to start a new one today for a friend of mine who moved. I'm going to sketch out some ideas today. I want to do tons of detail, but I need to remind myself that I am not that good! I have GOT to keep it simple. I've also become quite addicted to Pinterest, here's my page if you wish to visit.

I'd say I've babbled on long enough. Please do forgive my ramblings, but it's been a long time since I was last on. God's many blessings to you.